TNBC Foundation Research Grants

2024 University of North Carolina Lineberger Fund for TNBC Research - $100,000

UNC Lineberger Fund for Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) Research. This fund supports basic, translational, and clinical research for Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) related to three strategic research approaches: 1) Develop new treatments that are tailored and less toxic, 2) Expand molecular subtyping to enhance precision therapeutics, and 3) Collaborate on nutrition, metabolism, and disease prevention.

2024 TNBC Foundation AACR NextGen Grant - $450,000

Selection process in progress.

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2023 Conquer Cancer Advanced Clinical Research Award - $450,000

Ana Garrido-Castro, MD, was awarded the 2023 Conquer Cancer – Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation Advanced Clinical Research Award (ACRA), for her research project “Unraveling mechanisms of resistance to antibody drug conjugates in triple-negative breast cancer.

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Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation Collaborative Research Projects - 2023-2025

Multi-year research projects 2023–2025

1. Continued funding for Dr. Nielsen (see attached) for his studies on CELF-1 for two additional years

2. Continued funding for Dr. Julio Aguirre-Ghiso (see attached) for two additional years to study dormancy, immune system, and metastasis

3. Funding two new two-year Innovation Grants. Request for Applications has been sent to all US cancer centers in second half of 2023. Letters of interest and subsequent applications will undergo intense peer review by a panel of experts to establish priority for funding. Final selection of grantees in progress.

2021 AACR-Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation Research Fellowship

Anushree Gulvady, PhD; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Metastasis-promoting tumor-induced microenvironmental alterations

AACR-TNBC Foundation Carol’s Crusade for a Cure Foundation

3 year grant, awarded to Christina Curtis, PhD, assistant professor at Stanford University, 2016

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AACR-TNBC Foundation Scholars In Training

The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation offers financial support to outstanding young investigators presenting meritorious proffered papers at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting.

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AACR-TNBC Foundation Career Development Award

3 year grant, awarded to Eddy S. Yang, MD, PhD, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Read About Dr. Yang’s Research >

Press Release

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) and the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation are pleased to announce a new partnership and grant opportunity. 

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Young Investigator Award

1 year grant awarded to Dr. Karen Cadoo, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Press Release

The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation announced today that it will support Dr. Karen Cadoo of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center through the 2014 Conquer Cancer Foundatio

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Final Report (November 2015)

Earlier this year, CCF launched The Campaign to Conquer Cancer, an initiative that is inspiring doctors, survivors, researchers and our incredible supporters to come together to take down cancer.

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TNBC Foundation/Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation Joint Research Grant

3 year grant, awarded to researchers working collaboratively at Mount Sinai Medical Center, the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami, and The Institute of Cancer Research, London

Press Release

New research into much-needed treatments for triple negative breast cancer will soon be underway with a new joint research grant from the Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Foundation (SWCRF) and Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation (TNBCF). 

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2014 Status Report

Mortality from breast cancer has recently declined, however, the impact of conventional cytotoxic treatment has contributed little to breast cancer survival rates, particularly in advanced stages of this disease. 

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The Leslie Simon Breast Cancer Breakthrough Research Grant

1 year grant, awarded to Dr. Mark Pegram, Stanford University

Press Release

The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation (TNBC Foundation) announced that it has selected Mark Pegram, MD to receive its Leslie Simon Breast Cancer Breakthrough Award. The grant will provide $100,000 to investigators in Dr. Pegram’s laboratory who are working to find targets for new therapies for triple negative breast cancer. 

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Progress Report (2014)

The Triple Negative Breast cancer Foundation, Inc. ("TNBCF") is pleased to award the 2013 Leslie Simon Breast Cancer Research Grant in the amount of $100,000m ("Grant") to Stanford Cancer Institute ("Grantee"), to support research, "theraputic Targeting of Alternative Transition in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer" ("Research"), by Grantee's employees, Mark D. Pegram, M.d> and Toby Ward Ph D. ("Researchers").

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2014 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation Research Grant

1 year grant, awarded to Drs. J. Chuck Harrell and Charles Perou, Lineberger Cancer Center of the University of North Carolina

Press Release

The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation announced that it has awarded a research grant to J. Chuck Harrell, PhD and Charles Perou, PhD of the Lineberger Cancer Center of the University of North Carolina. The $100,000 grant will fund Dr. Harrell’s work studying the role of angiogenesis, the ability of tumors to form blood vessels, in promoting the growth and spread of one subtype of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). 

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Progress Report (September 2014)

We are thankful for the support of the Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation to further our research efforts into identifying key targets that mediate breast cancer tumor cell endothelial-like morphologies.

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Final Report (April 2015)

Elucidating mechanisms that contribute to breast cancer metastasis, and determining effective options to treat and eradicate cancer cells colonizing vital organs is important as >90% of TNBC deaths are directly attributable to growth of disseminated cells and the formation of metastases. 

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2011 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation Research Grant

1 year grant, awarded to Dr. Shridar Ganesan, Rutgers University

Project Summary

Normal cells carry two copies of the BRCA1 gene, one from the individual’s mother and one from their father. In some individuals, one copy of the BRCA1 gene has a mutation that renders it inactive or nonfunctional.  This gene variation is passed from parents to children, and is therefore called a hereditary mutation.

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2010 Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation Research Grant

1 year grant, awarded to Dr. James Ford, Stanford University, and Dr. Shridar Ganesan, New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry/Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center

Press Release

The Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation® (TNBCF) awarded two grants, each in the amount of $75,000, to James Ford, MD, associate professor of Medicine and Genetics, Division of Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine and Shridar Ganesan, MD, Ph.D., assistant professor of Medicine & Pharmacology, Investigator, Cancer Genomics and Molecular Oncology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, The Cancer Institute of New Jersey at the fourth annual Triple Negative Breast Cancer Symposium held here today. 

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2010 Susan G. Komen Promise Grant, Co-funded by the TNBC Foundation

5 year grant, awarded to Drs. Andres Forero and Tong Zhou, University of Alabama

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Press Release

Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype which represents 15 to 20 percent, or about 30,000, of all new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. each year.

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